Happy stress free coding

Sep 14, 2008

Writing the blog with Word 2007

Writing the blog in word posed some challenges. One I stumbled upon 2 minutes after I started was that code and xml I pasted in looked like shit.

Maybe there is an easily available workaround that I have not found, but then again, if I cannot find it you might not either.

I researched how to format code and xml in word to get it to look ok in blogger, more precise to keep the indentations in blogger in an earlier post.

So I took on the task to write a plugin that lets you paste in code and xml, select it and then press a button to format it by enclosing it in a table, that in turns hold tables to get the indentations correct.

Of course this has proven to take more time that I would have guessed. Anyone using word as a host for anything will know why… You just cannot trust the application to behave logical. It's more like a crazy horse, you think your friends but then you get kicked in the butt…

Even now as I write this I trying to figure out how to keep this crazy animal sane long enough so that I can do my thing.


private Office.CommandBar AddToolBar()




// Create the toolbar


Office.CommandBar toolbar = this.Application.CommandBars.Add(TOOLBAR, MsoBarPosition.msoBarTop, missing, false);


// Add a button to it


Office.CommandBarButton button = (Office.CommandBarButton)


toolbar.Controls.Add(MsoControlType.msoControlButton, missing,


missing, missing, false);


// Set the button's style


button.Style = Office.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonCaption;


// Set the button's caption


button.Caption = "Code and XML Format for web publish";


button.Click += new _CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(CodeAndXmlFormat);


// Ensure the toolbar is visible, by default it won't be


toolbar.Visible = true;


// Return the newly created toolbar


return toolbar;




The active part of the code comes here:


void CodeAndXmlFormat(CommandBarButton Ctrl, ref bool CancelDefault)




if (this.Application.Selection.Tables.Count != 0)




MessageBox.Show("There are a some tables in the selection, so I cannot do anything for you...");












List<Paragraph> ps = new List<Paragraph>();


List<int> indents = new List<int>();


bool started=false;


int smallestwidth=int.MaxValue;


// Run thru the selection


foreach (Paragraph p in this.Application.Selection.Paragraphs)




if (started || p.Range.Text != "\r") // skip leading empties








int width = 0;


// count leading spaces and tabs


for (int i = 1; i < p.Range.Characters.Count + 1; i++)




string s = p.Range.Characters[i].Text;


if (s == " ")




else if (s == "\t")












if (width<smallestwidth)








// Now build the new table


Range r3=Application.Selection.Range.Duplicate;






object paramMissing2 = Type.Missing;


Table t=r3.Tables.Add(r3,ps.Count+1,1,ref paramMissing2,ref paramMissing2);


for (int i=ps.Count-1;i>=0;i--)




Paragraph p=ps[i];


DoOneRowAsSubTable(t.Rows[i + 2], p, indents[i] - smallestwidth/*detuct initial space*/ );




// The oldest and best trick in the book when doing word developement; record a macro of what you need to do, then steal the code:




this.Application.Selection.Font.Size = 8;


// Delete old


for (int i = ps.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)




Paragraph p = ps[i];


object numtodel = 1;


p.Range.Delete(ref paramMissing2, ref numtodel);

















This code depends on this method that wraps one row in a sub table with two cells that fix up the indentation:


private void DoOneRowAsSubTable(Row row, Paragraph p, int width)




object paramMissing2 = Type.Missing;


Table t=row.Cells[1].Range.Tables.Add(row.Cells[1].Range,1,2,ref paramMissing2, ref paramMissing2);






float totwidth=t.Rows[1].Cells[1].Width+t.Rows[1].Cells[2].Width;




t.Rows[1].Cells[2].Width = Math.Min(row.Cells[1].Width, totwidth - t.Rows[1].Cells[1].Width);


Range r=p.Range.Duplicate;


// drop leading spaceses


while (r.Characters.Count > 1 && (r.Characters[1].Text == " " || r.Characters[1].Text == "\t"))








while (r.End > r.Start && (r.Characters[r.Characters.Count].Text == "\r" || r.Characters[r.Characters.Count].Text == "\a"))








if (r.Start<r.End)








//t.Rows[1].Cells[2].Range.InsertXML(r.WordOpenXML,ref paramMissing2);







And that's it. Now I can use Word2007 to post code and xaml. I still need to mark the snippets and push an add in button to wrap in a table. And Yes, the table thing is not optimal in anyway, but it is good enough for me.

To be honest I also made some small changes to the css part of the blogger style sheet. I made the main area wider and also added a style to make table rows 9 pixels high.


table {








#main-wrapper {


width: 660px;


float: $startSide;


word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */


overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */




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