Happy stress free coding

Sep 13, 2008


This was the post I tried to do when finding out that I could not do it from inside word 2007. So it was never finished. I'll be back on this topic soon though. The ObjectDataProvider lets you get any data. Try this: Testing how to write to blogger EcoLocalTime.allinstances And some code public class EcoLocalTimes { public static IList GetData(string s) { if (Window1.ecoSpace==null) return null; return Window1.ecoSpace.Ocl.Evaluate(s).GetAsIList(); //return null; } } EcoLocalTime.allinstances And the the implementation for the GetData method: public class EcoLocalTimes { public static IList GetData(string s) { if (Window1.ecoSpace==null) return null; return Window1.ecoSpace.Ocl.Evaluate(s).GetAsIList(); } } Then a ListBox to show the data in: And the DataTemplate for the items looks like this: This way I could define the ocl in xaml...


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