Test from w2007
I have tried to blog before but man I have a hard time with this crappy editors you are supposed to use. I always want to paste code, xaml, xml and images and stuff and let's face it – it takes some work.
So now I am looking into if I can use word 2007 to reduce my stress…
So I wonder if I can post code:
- public class EcoLocalTimes
- {
- public static IList<EcoProject1.Model.EcoLocalTime> GetData(string s)
- {
- if (Window1.ecoSpace==null)
- return null;
- return Window1.ecoSpace.Ocl.Evaluate(s).GetAsIList<EcoProject1.Model.EcoLocalTime>();
- }
- }
And if I can post xml
- <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="ecolocalTimes" ObjectType="{x:Type src:EcoLocalTimes}" MethodName="GetData">
- <ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters>
- <system:String>EcoLocalTime.allinstances</system:String>
- </ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters>
- </ObjectDataProvider>
Seriously I just want to be able post my stuff without spending time trying to make them look ok.
To get the code and xml to intend correctly I made them as bullet lists; hence all the leading bullets. But that was not enough, I also changed the paragraph format by setting the "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style" option.
Googling lead me to this page http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/indent.htm with a good compilation of my options. The page explains about the <pre> tag that supposedly should instruct the browsers display the spaces I have instead of collapsing them to one.
Great! Now I need to get the word2007 blog post – poster to use the <pre> tag around my code and xml…
Googling gave me this hit : http://codebetter.com/blogs/peter.van.ooijen/archive/2007/03/02/Formatting-source-code-in-a-blog-post-.aspx Looks like I am not alone in this… Too bad the post did not offer any solution, just sympathy.
Lets try with non breaking spaces ($160, or ctrl-shift-space)
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="ecolocalTimes" ObjectType="{x:Type src:EcoLocalTimes}" MethodName="GetData">
Man – crap…Lets follow up with the setting to not add space between paras:
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="ecolocalTimes" ObjectType="{x:Type src:EcoLocalTimes}" MethodName="GetData">
Oh crap this is getting worse…
Testing a new approach; creating a new style
Does it keep rows together?
And to indent I was thinking setting the indention level
Is this working; this line and the line before is 1 in
This is 2 in
CRAP CRAP CRAP. The rows are not held together at all… Is it only lists that will do this for me?
- Test level1
- Test level2
- Test level3
Looks like it. Then I have a plan; write a word plugin to convert marked intended text to list-levels, and remove the silly leading list symbol… I better try to make sure that the chosen list symbol really travels to html…
- Test level1
- Test level2
- Test level3
That didn't go well at all. The numbers are hidden in word, but I see them in html… What about tables? Have not tried that yet:
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="ecolocalTimes" ObjectType="{x:Type src:EcoLocalTimes}" MethodName="GetData"> | ||
<ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters> | ||
<system:String>EcoLocalTime.allinstances</system:String> | ||
</ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters> | ||
</ObjectDataProvider> |
Incredible – this is amazingly difficult.
What about a combination; non breaking spaces and table -> table to control row height and non breaking spaces to fix indentation.
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="ecolocalTimes" ObjectType="{x:Type src:EcoLocalTimes}" MethodName="GetData"> |
<ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters> |
<system:String>EcoLocalTime.allinstances</system:String> |
</ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters> |
</ObjectDataProvider> |
Of course, we now have the problems of row breaks not getting the indentation. I still think that the tables might be our best bet, but the cell merging did not work out. Let's try tables inside each cell.
Here I tried with tables in tables, but when pressing Publish word crashes.
So trying ever so slowly:
1 | 2 |
3 | 4 |
| 2 | ||||
3 | 4 |
If I leave out this line word crash on publish
| ||||||||
I must have this dummy to avoid the crash? | ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Now we are getting somewhere!
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
So NOW at least I have a plan. Write a word plugin that takes the selected paragraphs; wrap each row in a table with two columns, where the first has the width of the indentation. Then wrap all those one line tables in a one column table and apply a style to it… Sounds doable…
Next post is about writing that plugin I guess…
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